
Nine Billion Names of God

I happen to follow a youtuber team who will visualize SF stories written by famous writers into a movie clip. In another word, they use tens of existing SF moves clips to tell and bring life to another SF story.
I think they are very creative and attractive to SF fans like me, who don't read much.

Recently they bring up 2 stories from Arthur Clarke, one is "The Star", the other is "Encounter at Down", both of which are from the short story collection "Nine Billion Names of God". I know the "2001 A space Odyssey" from Arthur Clarke, but I never know that the short stories from him are also shocking. They are from the short story collection "Nine Billion Names of God", and they are similar in the way that we did not get the whole story until the exact last word of the story. This reminds me another short story writer I am fond of, whose name is O. Henry.

I am not sure the religious status of Mr. Clarke, but I can identify some of his quest or struggling between God and science in his stories.

At the end of the video of the youtuber, there is always a remark saying that their presentation can never match up with the experience when you read, so I got the book.
